LTB 505/20 – Campaign to save the Union Learning Fund (ULF)
No. 505/2020
Dear Colleague,
Campaign to save the Union Learning Fund (ULF)
Further to LTB 492/20, we would like to thank Branches who have raised their concerns about the announcement of the Government’s planned cessation of the ULF across all trade unions including the CWU.
We are working closely with our Communications, Media & Campaigns Dept., TUC and sister trade unions to kick-start a campaign highlighting the recklessness of such a measure with a view to reversing the decision.
The following steps are planned in the short term to argue against the cuts which will have a very real and negative impact on the world of work and the wider economy:
- The TUC has issued an initial two documents which outline the benefits of union learning which is backed up with facts and figures (attached)
- Employers who benefit from an upskilled and confident workforce are being approached to sign supporting joint letters to Gavin Williamson (Secretary of State for Education). We are in the process of seeking support from our employers
- A petition has been launched seeking to reverse the government’s plans to cut the ULF which will mean hundreds of thousands of workers missing out on skills development and training
We ask, that as a first step, Branches bring this LTB and the associated TUC Briefing documents to the attention of our members and also push out the petition through all of your networks. The petition can be found here:
A Facebook live session will be held on Tuesday 20th October at 6pm to update branches on the campaign and the impact of the announcement.
The CWU has a proud record of delivering incredible learning outcomes through the ULF to many thousands of our members. We are confident that our members and representatives understand this and will join the campaign to stop these cuts at a time when workers are facing extreme uncertainty.
Any queries to this LTB can be forwarded to equality&
Yours sincerely,
Kate Hudson
Head of Equality, Education & Development
LTB 505/20
Save Union Learning – TUC briefing
Union learning in facts and figures