No. 514/21
29th November 2021
Dear Colleagues,
CWU Retired Members Conference – Tuesday 25th January 2022
Following on from the success of the virtual conferences that have been held this year it has been agreed by the NEC that the CWU Retired Members Conference will be held as a virtual event on Tuesday 25th January 2022.
a) Delegates
Each Branch is entitled to send three delegates. Branches are asked to send the names of their delegates attending to on the attached form. This must be done no later than Friday 14th January 2022.
Retired Members Regional Committee Secretaries shall attend the Retired Members conference with the right to speak and move motions on behalf of their Retired Members Regional Committee but not to vote.
Details of how Observers can participate in the conference via a YouTube link will be sent out nearer the date.
b) Motions
Each Branch is entitled to submit one motion for consideration to be included on the agenda of the Conference. Motions should be submitted electronically to using the attached template. Confirmation of receipt of motion will be sent to branches within 72 hours. Should confirmation not be received within this time branches are asked to contact
Angela Niven on 020 8971 7256 Branches who do not have this facility may request paper motion forms by contacting the Angela Niven on 020 8971 7256.
Branches, Regions and the Committee are reminded that the Standing Orders Committee will not alter or amend any of the motions submitted therefore it is important that motions are checked before they are submitted.
Each Retired Members Regional Committee is entitled to submit one Motion to the Retired Members Conference.
The Retired Members Committee are entitled to submit up to three motions to the Conference, standing in their name.
Motion forms must be returned by midnight on Tuesday 4th January 2022.Anything received after this date will not be accepted. All sections of the form must be completed.
As with previous Conferences, the agenda will be structured in such a way as to maximise debate and participation by delegates. There will be 2 sections to the agenda, one for motions which are eligible for consideration for submission to General Conference, and one for motions that in the view of the Standing Orders Committee would not be admissible to the General Conference agenda.
Branches will be aware that the Retired Members’ Conference has the entitlement under the rules of the union to submit 2 motions to stand in the name of the conference to General Conference. It is therefore important that if branches wish their motions to be in this category, they must contain policy that is capable of being discharged by the NEC, as opposed to either of the Industrial Executives.
The 2 motions for submission to the General Conference agenda will be decided from amongst those motions adopted at the Conference. A ballot to select the 2 motions will be held at the Conference.
c) Election of Delegates to General Conference
As you will know, the Retired Members’ Conference will select two delegates to represent the Retired Members to attend General Conference 2022.
The Standing Orders for the Retired Members’ Conference will advise a ballot to select these two delegates will be conducted during Conference itself.
Additionally, individuals must be willing to accept nomination, and must have the nomination of their own branch and/or the Retired Members’ Committee, to be eligible.
The exception to this are members of the Retired Members’ Committee themselves who may be proposed for these positions but need to have the nomination of the Retired Members’ Committee and/or any Regional Committee.
d) Voting
Only Branches with a Retired Members Section will be entitled to vote.
Voting at the conference will be by an electronic card vote. The card vote will be based on the Branch Retired membership figures. The election of the two Retired Members delegates attending conference and the two motions going to conference will be done by poll/survey.
Any enquiries regarding this LTB should be addressed to Angela Niven either by email to
Yours sincerely,
A P Kearns
Senior Deputy General Secretary