Virtual Classroom Course Programme (April – July 2021)

LTB 046/21 – Virtual Classroom Course Programme (April – July 2021)

No:  046/21   

9th February 2021


Dear Colleague,

Virtual Classroom Course Programme (April – July 2021)

Please see below a further programme of online (virtual classroom) courses.  Courses identified as “in-house” are being delivered informally via zoom and therefore will not result in accreditation.

The remainder will be run through our Further Education partners in the devolved nations.

The Neurodiversity, Women’s and BAME Leadership courses will be delivered in-house and applicants from all of the UK devolved nations will attend together.

We will be reviewing this programme whilst it is being delivered to consider further provision in this way during the period of the pandemic.

Courses in England

DateCourseCut-off date
April 5thBank Holiday 
April 6thMandatory Fair & Equal (1 Day)26th February
April 12th – 16thIntermediate Health & Safety Part 126th February
April 19th – 23rdPostal Agreements & Procedures5th March
April 26th – 30thIntroduction to Health & Safety Part 112th  March
May 3rdBank Holiday 
May 10th -14thAdvanced Skills 126th  March
May 17th – 21stEqual Rights Part 12nd April
May 24th – 28thEssential Skills Part 19th  April
May 31stBank Holiday 
June 7th – 11thPostal Agreements & Procedures23rd  April
June 7th – 11thUnion Learning Reps 123rd  April
June 16th – 18thMental Health Awareness30th  April
June 28th – 29thBAME Leadership Part 1 (in-house, 2 days)14th  May
June 29th – 30thNeurodiversity (in-house, 2 days)14th  May
June 30th – July 1stWomen’s Leadership (in-house, 2 days)14th  May
July 5th – 9thEssential Skills Part 221st May
July 12th – 16thIntermediate H&S Part 228th May
July 13thMandatory Fair & Equal (1 Day)28th May
July 19th – 23rdIntroduction to Health & Safety Part 24th June
July 26th – 30thAdvanced Skills 211th June

Courses in Northern Ireland

DateCourse (all “in-house”)Cut-off date
April 5thBank Holiday 
April 6thMandatory Fair & Equal (1 Day)26th February
April 19th – 23rdPostal Agreements & Procedures5th March
April 26th – 30thIntroduction to Health & Safety Part 112th  March
May 3rdBank Holiday 
May 24th – 28thEssential Skills Part 19th  April
May 31stBank Holiday 
June 16th – 18thMental Health Awareness30th  April
June 28th – 29thBAME Leadership Part 1 (2 days)14th  May
June 29th – 30thNeurodiversity (2 days)14th  May
June 30th – July 1stWomen’s Leadership (2 days)14th  May
July 5th – 9thEssential Skills Part 221st May
July 19th – 23rdIntroduction to Health & Safety Part 24th June

Courses in Scotland

DateCourseCut-off date
April 23rdMandatory Fair & Equal5th March
April 26th – 30thEssential Skills Part 1 (rescheduled)Closed
May 10th – 15thPostal Agreement & Procedures (rescheduled)Closed
May 17th – 21stEqual Rights Part 12nd April
June 7th – 11thUnion Learning Reps 123rd  April
June 14th – 18thEssential Skills Part 230th  April
June 21st – 25thEssential Skills Part 27th May
June 28th – 29thBAME Leadership Part 1 (in-house, 2 days)14th  May
June 30th – July 1stWomen’s Leadership (in-house, 2 days)14th  May
June 29th – 30thNeurodiversity (in-house, 2 days)14th  May

Courses in Wales

DateCourseCut-off date
April 5thBank Holiday 
April 6thMandatory Fair & Equal (1 Day)26th February
April 12th – 16thIntermediate Health & Safety Part 126th February
April 19th – 23rdPostal Agreements & Procedures5th March
April 26th – 30thIntroduction to H&S Part 112th  March
May 3rdBank Holiday 
May 10th -14thAdvanced Skills 126th  March
May 17th – 21stEqual Rights Part 12nd April
May 24th – 28thEssential Skills Part 19th  April
May 31stBank Holiday 
June 7th – 11thPostal Agreements & Procedures23rd  April
June 7th – 11thUnion Learning Reps 123rd  April
June 16th – 18thMental Health Awareness30th  April
June 28th – 29thBAME Leadership Part 1 (in-house, 2 days)14th  May
June 29th – 30thNeurodiversity (in-house, 2 days)14th  May
June 30th – July 1stWomen’s Leadership (in-house, 2 days)14th  May
July 5th – 9thEssential Skills Part 221st May
July 12th – 16thIntermediate Health & Safety Part 228th May
July 19th – 23rdIntroduction to Health & Safety Part 24th June
July 26th – 30thAdvanced Skills 211th June

Application Process

Authorised applications must be received by the cut-off dates. Please see the attached video guide for Branch Secretaries on how to apply for courses.

IT, Infrastructure and learning differences

Having tested online delivery of both accredited and unaccredited courses, it is crucial that the student is set up appropriately and in good time before the training commences. The learner must preferably have access to a good PC / laptop.  Tablets can be used but have some limitation in our experience.  Attending training courses using a mobile phone will not be allowed.

There must be a stable internet connection from where the learning is taking place. Colleges will also be in contact before the course to advise of any additional requirements.

We would appreciate Branches assistance in ensuring any applicants are prepared in line with the above points.  If any representatives encounter difficulties getting set up with IT equipment in preparation for course attendance, they should advise their Branch Secretary, Union Learning Rep or the Equality, Education & Development Department as soon as possible.

Additionally, upon application; please ensure that we are aware in good time of any adjustments that may need to be arranged such as issues relating to dyslexia or sight / hearing differences.

Release & Notice

Paid release should normally apply where the union is recognised and / or in line with any existing agreements and protocols.

Please forward any enquiries relating to this LTB to  in the first instance.

Finally, we are sure that Branches appreciate that this is a particularly challenging time for all concerned, including our partner providers and therefore we acknowledge and thank you in advance for your patience with this approach.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Hudson
Head of Equality, Education & Development

21LTB046 – Virtual Classroom Course Programme – April July 2021

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