COVID-19 – Retired Members

LTB 301/20 – COVID-19 – Retired Members

No. 301/20

8th June 2020 

Dear Colleague,


As you will no doubt be aware elder people are amongst those considered to be particularly susceptible to coronavirus.

We recently held an online meeting with members of the Retired Members Committee and a discussion took place around checking in on our retired members.

A number of Branches have already written to their retired members, making contact with them and offering assistance.

Attached to this LTB is a draft letter that we would like Branches to send to their retired members where possible as part of efforts to keep an eye on those considered more vulnerable during this difficult time. We appreciate that a number of Branches will have instigated their own approach when it comes to keeping in touch and the Retired Members Committee are extremely grateful to those who have done this.

Any further assistance that can be given, by way of sending a local version of the attached letter would be greatly appreciated.

In the meantime, the Retired Members Committee passes on its best wishes to all Branches and would like to thank you in advance for any assistance you can give on this matters. 

Any enquiries regarding this Letter to Branches should be addressed to the Senior Deputy General Secretary’s Department on telephone number 020 8971 7237, or email address


Yours sincerely,

Tony Kearns

Senior Deputy General Secretary