Please see below list of positions which were open to all members and the nominations received for each post, where there is only one name against any position, this position automatically goes to the uncontested nominee. Where two names are showing, then that position will be up for a vote by either all branch members or those section members, depending on the position.
(a) Branch Chair = Mark Feehily uncontested
(b) Branch Secretary = Erin Massey uncontested.
(c) Branch Treasurer/Financial Secretary Vivien Holding uncontested
(d) Equality Officer = Simon Carmichael, David Simpson = BRANCH VOTE
(e) Branch Political Officer = Conchur Moore uncontested
(f) Branch Youth Officer = Connor Devlin uncontested
(g) Women’s’ Officer = Vivien Holding uncontested
(h) BAME Officer = Nicky Chan uncontested
(i) Health and Safety Co-Ordinator = Kevin Sweeney uncontested
(j) Postal Officer = no applicants !
(k) Area Section Secretaries x 4 positions see below,
North Section Secretary = David Simpson, David Kennedy = Section Vote
South Section Secretary = Ashlee Chadwick, uncontested
East Section Secretary = Fiona Curtis, Paddy Meehan = Section Vote
West Section Secretary = Mark Feehily uncontested.
We also accepted nominations for the position of 2 Branch Financial Auditors, to be elected at next AGM, date to be arranged.
Joe Dowdall.
Ruth Charles.
Rosaleen Kennedy.
Andy Gibb.
Votes will be organised for those positions required, as soon as possible.
Any questions or queries regards the above information must be made in writing to the Branch Secretary, Erin Massey at
Erin Massey Branch Secretary
Mark Feehily Branch Chair.