Team member redundancy terms under attack
Sep 28, 2020
I am writing to you about the communication you will have received this afternoon from BT in relation to a consultation on contractual redundancy and paid leaver terms for all BT employees in the UK.
This is news which will undoubtedly worry you. It comes in the wake of other unagreed changes to future terms and conditions, compulsory redundancies in various CFUs, offshoring of work to India and the Better Workplace site closure programme which will displace thousands of jobs in the future.
BT have stated the current arrangements for redundancy are too complex, inconsistent and therefore unfair. Whilst BT may wish to harmonise the current arrangements, let’s be clear, this will mean, for many of you, BT are now making a unilateral and provocative move to reduce your contractual redundancy and paid leaver terms which were reached only two years ago and put in place following the closure of the BT Pension Scheme. It is a cynical move to implement reductions to redundancy pay in order to make it easier for them to carry out their reorganisation of the business.
Please note that the new terms force those who are put ‘at risk’ of redundancy into accepting voluntary redundancy terms, as the compulsory redundancy terms will no longer be enhanced. They will be the statutory minimum. By doing this BT will have the ability to state publicly that it is not making anyone compulsory redundant.
This has not been agreed with the CWU, BT are intending to impose these plans and we are rejecting the new terms being offered.
You have exactly one month to respond to this consultation. BT need to hear the views of its employees. Therefore, your participation in this consultation is vital and we encourage you to respond by 31st October 2020.
The outcome of the consultation will be provided by BT on 1st December 2020. The formal notice to change the existing contractual redundancy and paid leaver terms will take effect no earlier than the 1st June 2021.
Hopefully by now you will have seen the CWU’s ‘Count Me In’ campaign. If you want to get more involved, or just want to pledge your allegiance then please email countmein@cwu.org. Queries and help in responding to the consultation should be directed towards your branch. If you are unsure of your branch contact information, please email us on the above email address.
Yours sincerely
Andy Kerr
Deputy General Secretary (T&FS)