Team Based Scheduling- Annual Leave/Waiting List Process
Sep 25, 2020
Dear Member,
Following the introduction of Team Based Scheduling we wanted to update you on how the annual leave and waiting list process will operate.
Annual Leave Process
As already briefed when we met members around the country all existing leave booked on IEX will be honoured.
BT Consumers Planning Team will be taking a download from IEX before new schedules are run to capture all A/L bookings. To ensure there are no errors we would encourage all members do the same.
The CWU listened to members concerns around the different length of weekly patterns and to address this have negotiated the following process to address your concerns.
As members can see from the example in the table below different week’s impact people both negatively and positively depending on where the holiday booking falls.As you can see from the example below a 36 hour a week agent with pre-existing Annual Leave on the pattern below will see a different impact over their weekly rotation.
To address this and ensure that this does not negatively impact your annual leave allowance the weekly difference will be corrected on each week where there is a positive or negative impact.
Week 1 – No change requiredWeek 2 – No change requiredWeek 3 – 9 hours would be credited to the agentWeek 4 – 9 Hours would be debited from the agent
When advisors new schedules are published A/L bookings will remain, this means there may be gaps given peoples hours of attendance may have changed. To make things as smooth as possible to correct A/L members need to do the following:If you had a day booked and now are no longer working you’ll need to cancel this yourself.Where time needs amending, in the first instance you will be asked to do this yourself – adding in different days/hours where possible.If you’re unable to amend the booking due to lack of availability you can ask your Team Leader/FA and they will contact the Scheduling Team.On each Monday the previous week’s holiday bookings will be reviewed to determine how much Annual Leave has been taken from each agent for every full week holiday booking and adjusted accordingly.
The adjustment will be made in the form of a Credit or Debit to their Annual Leave balance.
The adjustments will always be made after the Annual Leave has been taken as up until that point you can cancel or change the booking. An email will be sent to you advising that the adjustment has been completed.If by the end of the year in March you have been impacted by not having your credit in advance you can flag this via your team leader – this would be the process for any other issues relating to people requiring their credit leave in advanceAny credits as a result of this would not impact you buying annual leave or carrying over.
Team Based Schedule Waiting List Process
Members who did not get their first preference we advised should go on a waiting list so they can moved to their preferred pattern when there is attrition.
To make this process fair members at the time the preference was completed will be added to the waiting list by their team and the date recorded.
BT Consumer Scheduling will review the wait list in line with team ratios and shift fit once a month. If a space becomes available the space will be offered to the agent on the waiting list.
If there is more than one on the list for that recorded list then those names will be added to a random selector and allocated. As other vacancies occur the same will happen for those on the list for that recorded date until everyone has been accommodated.
The list on the next recorded date will then be started following the same radon selector.Conclusion
If members require any further information the full process has been shared with your local branch who will be happy to assist.
Keep Safe
Stephen Albon
Acting National Officer
If any of your friends or colleagues are not members of the CWU please encourage them to join us at www.cwu.org/join-us/join-online