ISS – CWU Pay Claim 2023 – Ballot Result
Jun 14, 2023
Further to TB 92/2023 outlining details of the 2023 pay offer for ISS Members, an electronic ballot has been conducted which closed today and the results are as follows:
Accept: 81%
Reject: 19%
Therefore, the offer has been accepted and the Company has been notified of the result.
The offer is as follows:
The 2022 pay deal saw ISS bring forward the annual pay review date from June to May 2023, creating an 11 month review period.
Current rate of pay £10.05 will move to the Real Living Wage of £10.90 which is an increase of 8.45%.
(ISS have already uplifted from the £10.05 to £10.42 to comply with National Living Wage legislation).
The monetary pay differential for all supervisor grades above the baseline for all front line employees will be maintained.
Pay will be uplifted from 17th April 2023 resulting in 2 weeks extra back pay.
ISS has agreed to bring forward the 2024 pay review date to 1 April 2024 resulting in a further 11 month review.
Thank you to all those members who took the time to participate in the ballot.
Yours sincerely
Tracey FusseyNational OfficerCWU Telecoms & Financial Services