CBRE – CWU Pay Claim 2023 – Final Offer and Ballot Arrangements
Jun 14, 2023
Following a sequence of meetings with CBRE regarding the 2023 Pay Review, I am pleased to advise that we are now in a position to recommend an offer to members. The offer is a full and final offer, which the National Team consider is the very best which can be achieved by negotiation.
The offer is as follows:
An increase on basic annual salary of 8% effective from 1st June 2023
For any members who joined CBRE after 1st March 2023 this year, you will not be eligible for this pay increase.
An uplift of the minimum salary on the account, increasing from £22000 to £24100 (FTE), representing an increase of just over 9.5%
Colleagues will be entitled to either receive the uplift to £24100 or an 8% increase, whichever is the greatest.
The offer is fully consolidated and will be backdated to June 2023.
In addition, and as an outcome of the 2022 Pay Review discussions, CBRE agreed to review Engineering salaries and carry out a benchmarking exercise to review salary levels.
As a result of this review, we are pleased to confirm the following has been agreed:
Introduction of a minimum salary amount for each role, with any members currently sitting below this amount being uplifted.
This will reduce the wide ranges in salary currently seen, and will also ensure that those members who are at the bottom of the pay scale are uplifted to a salary that is closer to the average rate and also the external market
Each role will have a minimum salary aligned, dependent on location. The increases due to be applied will also be dependent on where members currently sit in relation to the new minimum salary which will result in varying percentage increases being implemented.
As a result, 77 employees will receive an uplift in basic salary, the pay review will then be applied to the uplifted figure.
The increases will range between just under 1% to 15% for members who are considerably below the new minimum salary. The majority of members will receive between 3% and 9% as part of this exercise.
Upon agreement of the 2023 pay deal, members affected by this will be spoken to by their line managers with individual increases confirmed.
CBRE also agreed to review call-out and standby provisions.
Increase the amount paid for standby from £135 per week to £155 per week with effect from June 2023, with a further increase to £160 per week with effect from December 2023.
Importantly, the Company has confirmed their commitment to review this payment along with benchmarking data on salaries on an annual basis.
The Company has also confirmed that they are committed to ongoing discussions with the CWU with regard to the introduction of an additional allowance for colleagues who act as Authorised Person or Senior Authorised Person in relation to their specific role and skillset. We will continue to discuss the detail of how this will be implemented and what the remuneration will be for members who take on this role.
We are pleased that the Company has committed to review salaries and benchmarking on an annual basis.
The CWU National Team believe this offer is the very best that can be achieved through negotiation and recommend members vote yes to accept the offer in the upcoming ballot.
The electronic ballot timetable will be as follows:
Open: Wednesday 14th June 2023Close: Noon on Wednesday 28th June 2023The results will be announced on Wednesday 28th June.
Yours sincerely
Tracey FusseyNational OfficerCWU Telecoms & Financial Services