Consultative ballot
Oct 28, 2020
Dear Members, we cannot stress enough, the importance of the below information.
During a Live Facebook session on the 26th October 2020
Our Union announced that we have agreed to call a National Consultative Ballot.
We cannot announce the timetable yet, this will be revealed on November 5th (please see link if you missed the video)
We now need to make a concentrated effort, to partake in as much activity as possible
The next National Day of Action will be held on November 5th. It is critical that every Member needs to engage with its branch for this date.
We will call a virtual meeting of all Branch members on or around the 5th of November. (we will contact you again asap)
We need you now, to please share images of support on your Facebook page, tag in the Branch’s Facebook page, go to https://www.facebook.com/cwunitb/like and share this page, invite your family and friends to like and share our page and messages, this will greatly support YOU the workers.
Tweet, follow us on https://twitter.com/CWU_nitb if you use twitter, please again, engage with the branch, tweet and retweet, include the branch using @CWU_nitb @CWUnews @CWU_AndyKerr use the tags #CountMeIn #I'mVotingYes
We really need and want to see the face of our members, we need to see the support of our members, you can do this through pictures and messages of support, so get as many pictures and posts on as possible if anyone wants to send a short 10 second what’s app video saying “I vote yes” you can send to 07525725114, we are depending on all of you.
If you work from home, get pictures on behalf of home workers showing support
If you are working in the buildings and offices send photos on behalf of office workers.
If you are an engineer out and about, send pictures on behalf of engineers.
If you are a retired member, send pictures of support on behalf of our retired members
Send any pictures or queries re any of the above to branchhousekeeping@btinternet.com
This is the Union’s fight, but remember you are Union you are the backbone of this Union, this is YOUR fight.
Why else are we all in union, if not to fight! fight to protect what we previously secured for all of you, which is now under threat.
We need to protect our rights, protect our jobs, save our buildings, protect our terms and conditions, before everything is decimated. We will all ultimately be impacted by this; the Union have always done their best to support you since the very beginning. We now need you to support the Union, it cannot work without you and your efforts. Please do not sit back hoping this will go away and not land at your door, because it will not.
help us to win this fight…. THANK YOU
Erin Massey Branch Secretary
NI Telecom Branch CWU