BT Consumer - Operating Model
Oct 6, 2020
We continue to have concerns raised by our members about Albert, these include targets on the use of Albert and disciplinary action for not using Albert on every occasion you are required to do so.
If Albert fails to address the customer issue in question, you must seek assistance from your Team Leader. BT Consumer has made it absolutely clear that the role of the Team Leader is to support members within the new Operating Model. However, with concerns about the potential for disciplinary action it’s vital that you keep a record of your escalation.
If you are an online advisor your targets are based on your online activity only and therefore we have guarantees from Tania Caporaso, Director of Service that you should not be providing in the moment coaching and support as this does not form part of your online or offline role in the New Operating Model.
Therefore, to confirm:
BT expects all Members to follow Albert end to end.
BT Consumer have stated that Members should not be utilised as subject matter experts, this is the role of your Manager only.
I hope this addresses the concerns that have been raised, should you have any further issues or questions please contact your local CWU Branch.
Keep Safe
Stephen Albon
Acting National Officer
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