CBRE (BT Account) – Restructure
Dec 20, 2021
CBRE have notified the CWU of their proposal to restructure a number of functions and roles on the BT account following an extensive internal review and agreement from BT.
The company have announced the restructure on the BT estate outlining their desire to improve aspects of delivery, including workload, operational excellence and colleague development.
The key proposed changes are in operations and support functions.
Move from three operational business units to two (North and South)‘Right-size’ regions and clusters to level the workloadIntroduce new technical supervisor roles to directly manage techniciansDedicated service delivery team for Better WorkplaceAdditional contract support resourceNew specialist roles / resources to empower operational excellence in service deliveryCreate a support function structure (Technical, QHSE, Procurement & Services) that is aligned and dedicated to supporting the new two BU operational structure.
The proposal is to have the new operating model in place by 1 April 2022.
Who is impacted?
Whilst the proposed structure does not impact CWU grades in our bargaining unit there will be 62 employees placed at risk of redundancy, as a result of the proposal.
There will be 85 new or revised roles in the proposed structure, resulting in a net increase of 23 roles.
Impact upon CWU team member grades:
Members may work in slightly different geographies under the new structure from 1 April 2022. The changes may also result in a new line manager.
There may also be some new career path opportunities for members who want to develop or specialise in new roles. More detail on what these changes will bring will be available over the coming months.
Whilst the restructure does not place any CWU member in-scope we recognise that the restructure is unsettling.
The CWU National team will continue to meet regularly with CBRE to discuss any potential impact and concerns as a consequence of the restructure and will update branches accordingly.
Yours sincerely
Tracey Fussey
National Officer
CWU Telecoms & Financial Services