BT Pay Negotiations
Feb 11, 2022
Dear Member,
Your Pay
The CWU has officially commenced negotiations on your pay for 2022. Last year, BT gave their commitment that you would receive a consolidated pay rise this year and they have confirmed that they will honour this commitment.
You will be acutely aware of the cost of living crisis and the rise in costs to heat your home, transport costs and the cost of food. The CWU are making the case that our members have worked throughout the pandemic, helping BT to continue to make billions in profit and you deserve a decent consolidated pay rise that protects the value of your pay against the rising cost of living.
The CWU will be progressing pay along with resolving the unagreed pay points, fairer grading and pay structures. The pay review is due on 1 April 2022.
Please note, BT has advised members working in Consumer and EE who will receive an uplift to their pay to £20,000, in February 2022, that there will be no further increase for this group of workers in April 2022. Your Union has every intention of progressing the pay for these members further in 2022.
We will keep branches and members updated on progress, meanwhile, we would encourage and welcome your views on pay by emailing btpay@cwu.org
Yours faithfully,
Northern Ireland Telecom Branch (NITB)