TUC New Deal / Cost of living demo - 18th Jun
Apr 11, 2022
Dear Colleagues
The TUC demonstration in London on 18th June is just over two months away. Given the need to get hundreds of thousands of workers onto the streets, we must begin preparations immediately.
Given the size of our union and the fact a lot of our members work on a Saturday, we must also prepare for this demonstration in a way we have never previously done.
Therefore, it’s crucial that every branch of the union delivers a massive turnout on the 18th June and we ask branches to commence planning on how you will maximise the turnout from your area.
As well as coming up with your own ideas, we are calling for every branch to:
Book coaches and advance travel.Finances allowing - apply for as many local reps as possible to be released from duty.Ask every member or representative planning to attend to bring friends and family members. Publicise the attached poster (or your own branch version) in every workplace in the branch area. Brief offices on the importance of this rally and how it is designed to support our ongoing industrial work, including pay claims.
We will be using every possible opportunity to promote attendance at the rally, including briefing branches at the forthcoming CWU Conference and we know that making this a success will require the whole union to get behind this mobilisation.
We will be asking our Regional Secretaries to oversee the implementation of the mobilisation strategy set out above and all unions have agreed to report on progress to the TUC at fortnightly organising meetings.
Whatever way we turn at the moment, there is growing pressure on our members, their families and workers everywhere and we cannot afford to wait and hope for political change. It now falls upon the trade union movement to come together and defend workers.
Our demands will include proper pay rises in response to the cost of living crisis and end to fire and rehire as part of the overall new deal for workers campaign.
The CWU is committed to delivering our biggest turnout for a rally in our history and we look forward to working with every branch on this project over the next two months.
Any enquiries on the above LTB should be addressed to the General Secretary at jdunn@cwu.org
Yours sincerely
Dave Ward
General Secretary