Team Based Scheduling Roll Out
Mar 2, 2020
Dear Colleagues
Team Based Scheduling Roll Out
Following the ballot result we have been working with BT on the implementation of Team Based Scheduling Agreement in Customer Care. We are determined to ensure that the Agreement is implemented in a fair and transparent manner.
The implementation plan is based on 3 different phases across the next few months with Phase One starting today.
The implementation will be the subject of continuing consultation with the CWU over the coming months.
When your Phase starts you will be invited to a 1-2-1 with your Team Leader and will then fill in an on line portal which will include your personal information and you can select up to two attendance preferences.
There is no obligation to put in two preferences, but if you do not and your first preference is not available BT, will allocate you an attendance as near as possible to your current pattern after other preferences have been considered.
Remember, that if you have an ECOH or a Flexible Working Arrangement in place at the moment these will remain unchanged and you will not have to select a new attendance pattern unless you want to.
If you have non-standard weekly hours e.g. 17 or a current 2 day weekly pattern then you will not have to complete the Portal. You will have the 1-2-1 to discuss future attendances.
If you are a Job sharer you should complete the portal and select the same pattern as your partner(s). This would be followed up by a meeting with Team Leaders to discuss how the pattern would work in practice. If you work in a separate operational area from your partner(s) please make sure your Team Leader is aware that you cannot pick the same pattern. If you do not have a Job Share partner you should select a pattern on your own, but you will remain classified as a Job Sharer.
When you meet with your Team Leader it is vital that you raise any issues you have with the new arrangements so that these can be recorded and addressed.
Once the preference process has been completed BT will review the responses and attempt to ensure as many preferences as possible are achieved as well consulting with the CWU nationally.
There will then be a 1-2-1 with your Team Leader about the outcome of the preference process. You will receive 10 weeks formal notice of the change to the new patterns.
If you do have an issue with the new arrangements are being implemented that you cannot resolve with your Team Leader, please contact your local CWU representative.
Join the CWU
The CWU is the trade union recognised to negotiate with BT for Team Members. The more members we have the more influence and success we will have.
If any of your friends or colleagues are not members of the CWU, please encourage them to join us by contacting your local CWU rep or CWU Branch. Or you can also join us on line at: www.cwu.org/join-us/join-online
Nigel CotgroveCWU National Officer