Capita pay deal error resolved
Apr 3, 2023
Successful resolution of Capita pay deal error following decisive CWU intervention
Over a hundred and fifty members across the Capita O2 and Tesco mobile partnerships have had their belated 2022 pay award recalculated after the union flagged up multiple underpayments to individuals who work fewer hours than the standard Capita 37.5 hour per week contracts.
The CWU’s intervention last month (see story here) followed a barrage of complaints from members who eagerly opened their pay slips to discover that either their rise and back-payments were less than expected or, in some instances, that no increase had been paid at all.
Most of those who’d been unwittingly short-changed were longer-serving employees on 36 hour (FTE) contracts who TUPE’d over from Telefonica nearly a decade ago, but the mistake also impacted especially badly on part-timers because their hourly increase had also been calculated on the basis of the 37.5 hour standard.
Read the full story here