Mar 20, 2023
No. 072/202314th March 2023TO ALL BRANCHES WITH ROYAL MAIL PROPERTY & FACILITIES SOLUTIONS LIMITED(RMPFSL) MEMBERSDear Colleagues,ROYAL MAIL PROPERTY & FACILITIES SOLUTIONS LIMITED (RMPFSL) – BALLOTRESULT.We are pleased to announce our RMPFSL members have overwhelmingly accepted the RMPFSL Pay and Associated Issues agreement.The ballot result was an 87% YES vote with a 61.31% return, thank you for all members who voted. The full figures for the ballot are attached to this LTB.We would like to thank all members for the support they have given us during the RMPFSL dispute, which has undoubtedly got us to the final position.We will now be working with RMPFSL to ensure the agreement is implemented in full. Arrears of Pay will be paid on 31st March 2023. There is a joint statement with RMPFSL attached to this LTB.We have also agreed a negotiators agreement on Improved Holiday Pay. We will be presenting this to the Postal Executive in due course and if endorsed by the executive we will then put out to a branch ballot for endorsement.This is a further benefit to our RMPFSL members and further details will be circulated in due course.Any enquiries to this LTB please contact: The PTCS Department reference 312, email address: hmaughan@cwu.org or The Outdoor Department reference 120.12, email address njones@cwu.org
Yours sincerely,Carl Maden -Assistant SecretaryMark Baulch - Assistant Secretary