RMG Dispute - Voluntary Redundancy Taken Before 2nd Mar 2023
Feb 1, 2023
LTB 019/23 - Royal Mail Group Dispute - Voluntary Redundancy Taken Before 2nd March 2023
No. 019/23
24th January 2023
Dear Colleagues,
Royal Mail Group Dispute – Voluntary Redundancy Taken Before 2ndMarch 2023
Branches and Representatives will be aware of the re-ballot timetable for the International Distributions Services (previously Royal Mail Group) dispute for all CWU represented grades in Royal Mail Group.
Due to the unilateral decision by RMG to instigate an unagreed preference exercise seeking applicants for Voluntary Redundancy (VR) which closed on 27thNovember 2022, there may be members who, having been offered and accepted a VR package, will be leaving Royal Mail Group employment before the earliest possible date for taking strike action (2nd March 2023).
The Union has tried to obtain information from RMG about those that have accepted VR, more detailed information as to RMG’s plans regarding VR and any changes since their original announcement about this. RMG has failed to provide this information.
Due to RMG not providing the Union with sufficient information, we have to send this LTB as some members unknown to us may have accepted offers of VR and will receive a ballot paper despite their employment with RMG ceasing prior to when strike action could first be held (2nd March 2023).
This LTB is therefore to inform members of the following legal advice:
Where members have accepted VR and will be leaving RMG employment before 2nd March 2023 THEY SHOULD NOT VOTE in the re-ballot.
All Branches are instructed to ensure this LTB receives the widest possible circulation.
Any enquiries in relation to the content of this LTB should be addressed to the DGS(P) Department.
Yours sincerely
Dave WardGeneral Secretary
Andy FureyActing Deputy General Secretary (P)