Retired members Section AGM
Feb 27, 2024
NITB Retired Members Section AGM and agenda.
Date/Time: Thursday 14 March 2024. 1.00pm to 3.00pmLocation: Ramada by Wyndham Hotel, Talbot Street BelfastAdditional Info: Soup and sandwiches available from 12.30pm
Replies/Apologies or AOB to cwurms@btinternet.com or Text 07803096729
Designated Responsible person: Joe Dowdall
WelcomeHousekeepingApologiesAdoption of Standing OrdersGuest SpeakerList of deceased members, one minutes silenceMinutes of last AGMMatters Arising2023 -2024 Report to Members: Confirmation of Committee Members to serve for another two years.RMS Activities and Events 2024End of Meeting