Retired Members Conference 2024
Oct 30, 2024
Retired Members Conference ,30th October 2024 - Birmingham
It was noted that Des Carney was absent through illness, and Sean Ryan was also unable to attend and has subsequently stepped down from the NRMC.
Conference sends their best wishes to both respected delegates.
The top table consisted of Mick Kavanagh (Chair) Norman Candy and Tony Kearns SDGS. Conference was well attended, but it was also noted that not all branches sent delegates.
It is important for all branches to send delegates to the Retired Members Conference, to ensure their members concerns are voiced and acted upon.
Note: Motion 8 had been excluded from the consequential of Motion 1 being carried.
SOC Appeals: SE No5 Branch appeal on motion 12’s exclusion – Lost.
Joyce Stevenson Standing Orders Committee then proposed the Agenda running order, Conference subsequently agreed standing orders.
Dave Ward welcomed delegates to the Retired Members Conference via Zoom stressing the importance of the retired members and their tireless work over the proposed withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Allowance and the CWU’s commitment to pressure the Labour Party to fulfil their commitment to strengthen workers’ rights.
There are on-going discussions regarding whether we remain a stand-alone union or amalgamate.
Dave wished conference a successful conference and praised the work of the National Retired Members Committee. He also placed on record his thanks to
Norman Candy, John Martin and Lawrence Huston for their work in completing the recent Review of retired members services in the Northern Ireland Region.
Eleven (11) motions to be debated.
Motions 1,2,3,4, 8 & 9 all make mention of the Govt’s decision to withdraw the Winter Fuel Payment, in some guise or other.
Motion 1.
Eastern Retired Regional Committee.
This motion highlights what must be a concern for all retired members, the removal of the Winter Fuel Allowance; any attempt to remove the triple lock or down grade it to double. Concessionary travel passes, free prescriptions and free eye tests.
Therefore, the RMC are instructed to work with the NPC and other like-minded pensioner and charity organisations together with trade unions to halt or reverse this decision, but to also include examining our role in relationship with the Labour Party.
The motion was moved by Colin Tull Eastern Retired Regional Committee.
The motion was seconded and several delegates rose to support the motion, Damien Ibison, London Region RM Lead warned delegates of the opposition from the RMC, that it was a red herring with regards to leaving the Labour Party.
Brendan O’Brien RMC rose in opposition stating the motion was based on conjecture and that other motions on the pad would deal with the issues raised.
The motion was carried. Consequently, motions 2,3,4 and 9 fell.
Motion 5.
North-west Retired Regional Committee.
Angela Rigsby moved the motion and in doing so highlighted in the last 2 years Standing Charges have tripled, raising almost 200% above inflation, the average person is now paying almost £300 per year before they use gas or electric. The motion asks that the CWU liaise with other trade unions and lead the campaign “A New deal for Workers” together with the NPC.
Jake Kharadi seconded.
Colin Tull rose to support, as did Jim Stewart.
Motion Carried Unanimously.
Motion 6.
Retired Members Committee.
This motion outlines the very real danger of privatisation of the N.H.S. and calls for this conference to reject the position held by the Labour Party and instructs the RMC to work with the NEC to oppose any attempts at privatisation. Government money to directly fund the NHS to ensure it remains firmly committed to the principle on which it was founded.
Formally seconded.
Phil Duffy rose in support as did several other delegates.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion 7.
Eastern No6
Formally moved and seconded.
This motion highlights a very real concern for any pensioner, the availability of toilet facilities within the public domain. There has been a reduction of 50% of access to public toilets, which is causing great concern to pensioners. A Welsh delegate stated it has taken 2 years for a council decision on this issue.
Joan Mohammed rose in support.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion 8.
Retired Members Committee.
Lawrence Huston on behalf of the RMC spoke on the fundamental issue of the overdue need for an increase in State Pension and stressed that the motion calls on the NEC to expose the inadequacy at every opportunity. The UK currently languish down in 15th place across European countries with regards to their level of state pension. The Motion calls on the union to support a campaign to Raise the State Pension to a decent level to make the issue of additional payments unnecessary.
Mike Jones spoke in support.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion 10.
Moved by Phil Duffy Greater Merseyside.
Formally seconded.
This motion calls for a revision of the regulations by the NEC on branch delegation numbers, with a view to increasing the number of delegates that can attend. It is noted that there has been a marked decline and calls on the RMC to work with the NEC to increase retired member delegate numbers and so ensure retired members issues are properly represented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion 11.
Motion on behalf of Wales Regional Retired Committee.
Geoff Richards to move.
Ruth Reeves to second.
The motion calls for any member who reaches 100 to be recognised by this union, and that there be a centralised programme which would inform the General Secretary’s department of all members who reach this milestone.
Norman Candy support.
Carried unanimously.
Motions Not Admitted to Agenda: 12,13,14 & 15.
Alan Tate Political Officer CWU guest speaker.
Warm applause for Alan who is well respected throughout the union and the Labour Party, he has been a delegate for the last 35 years. His tireless commitment to both the union and the Labour Party is without doubt.
Alan started by saying the Labour Party needs to concentrate on companies like Amazon who do not pay their fair share of taxes. We need to combat the raise of the far right, which is growing across Europe.
Alan then answered questions from the floor and reminded delegates that he is coming up to sixty soon and looking forward to being a retired member.
Tony Kearns SDGS Closing speech.
Tony Kearns has been unwell for the past few months and he stated he will be stepping down around May 2025. He mentioned the commitment to an annual conference for retired members whilst we remain a stand-alone union, he also stated that there will be further debates on a bi-annual general conference, this will be down to cost.
Membership numbers are in decline; therefore, revenue is reduced. The knock-on result will influence the ability to hold annual events.
He said this will be his last retired members conference and wished every success for all the delegates and in particular Norman Candy who will be taking over as the officer responsible for retired members.
Mick Kavanagh (chair) then announced the result of the ballot on which motions would go forward to General Conference. Motions 1 & 5 were selected.
The 2 Delegates from the RM Committee would be John Farnan and Sean Ryan.
The Conference was scheduled on 30th October, which coincided with the Labour Govt’s first budget and was dominated by the Govt’s decision to withdraw the Winter Fuel Payment. A decision which has drawn widespread condemnation from pensioners organisations across the UK.
From a NI Regional perspective, it also came at the end of October which also marked the closure of the Enniskillen call centre. A disgraceful decision by BT/EE which will have long lasting ramifications for union members across the Region.
The Northern Ireland Region was represented at the Retired Members Conference in Birmingham by Lawrence C. Huston, as a member of the Nat. RM Committee, John Martin, NI Region RM lead and Joe Dowdall & John Leyton from NI Telecom Branch
Conference closed with thanks from Mick Kavanagh, (Chairperson)who also thanked the RMC and the SOC without whose help conference would not run smoothly.
Lawrence C. Huston
National Retired Members Committee
with sincere thanks to
Damian Ibison
Southwest Middlesex retired secretary.
London Region Retired Member Lead.