Redesign - Delivering a connected union
Sep 14, 2018
The NEC have published a series of policy papers which will be debated and voted on at Special General Conference on 3rd and 4th November.
The policy papers are a result of a consultation and review taking place over the past few months to support the objective of delivering a more connected Union.
In the last few years the CWU have set a clear direction for the union and are delivering the agenda set out in the General Secretary’s election, including:-
• Continuing to put the protection and enhancement of our members’ terms and conditions at the heart of everything we do.
• Developing strategies to reassert trade union values across society and shape the future world of work.
• Supporting the need for major political change andplaying a significant role in achieving this.
• Building a stronger one-union identity.
• Providing a greater focus on communicating and engaging with representatives and members.
• Facing up to the financial issues that threatenour future.
Read more and see the papers HERE