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Northern Ireland Telecom AGM AGENDA

Mar 22, 2019

23rd March 2019



Welcome to the Northern Ireland Telecom Annual General Meeting 2019.



Adoption of Standing Orders: Proposed and Seconded.

Chairpersons Address:

Minutes of the AGM 2018 Guest speakers: Deputy General Secretary Andy Kerr and Davie Bowman National Officer (Openreach) Tom Cooper NEC.Financial Report: Financial Secretary/Auditors Lawrence Huston and Andy Gibb.

Changes to the Branch Constitution:Election of Auditors: Those who have been nominated are:

Lawrence Huston, proposed by Vivien Holding seconded by Aidan McNally.

Andy Gibb, proposed by Vivien Holding, seconded by Aidan McNally.

Tommy Irvine, proposed by Michael Shields, seconded John McLoughlin.

Gabriel Hagan, proposed by Tommy Irvine seconded by Michael Shields.

Branch secretary’s Report.

Section Reports

Facility Time/Responsibilities, Branch must have prior notification as to what day/days in each week, officers/reps plan to use so IR/Recruitment activity can be arranged.

*Above may be subject to change if required.

Proposition for change to the NI Telecom Branch Constitution.

Rule 4.4.10 Branch Organisation

Currently States: Term of Office for Branch Officers & Committee Members shall be 2 years.

Change to: Term of office, for any member elected to any position, shall be for a term of 2 years.

Proposed: Erin Massey

Seconded: David Kennedy

4.4 Branch Organisation

Rule 4.4.7

The Branch shall be divided into four Branch Area Sections - North Area Section, East Area Section, South Area Section and West Area Section. Area Sections shall convene Section meetings as and when required by the Section.

Amend to: The Branch shall be divided into four Area Sections and a Retired Members’ Section. (See Branch Model Constitution 4.4.6 regarding RM’s Section)

The Area sections shall consist of - North Area Section, East Area Section, South Area Section and West Area Section. Area Sections and the Retired Members’ Section shall convene Section Meetings as and when required by the Section.

Proposed: Kevin McCafferty

Seconded: John McLaughlin

Insert after Rule 4.4.7 (d) The Retired Members’ Section shall co-ordinate the sectional activities and requirements of its retired members. The Retired Members’ Section shall elect a committee which will consist of a Section Secretary, (who in line with national rules will not be a Branch Officer), a Section Chair and up to eight Committee members. If deemed necessary the committee may co-opt further committee members. The term of office for the Retired Members’ committee shall be two years. The Retired Members will hold their AGM no later than the 31st March.

Proposed: Kevin McCafferty

Seconded: John McLaughlin

4.5 Branch Election Procedure

Insert after Rule 4.5.3. The election of the Retired Members Committee will be conducted at a Retired Members’ AGM. The Branch Secretary shall make the necessary arrangements for the Retired Members’ AGM which these elections are due at.

Proposed: Kevin McCafferty

Seconded: Michael Shields

5 Branch Finances

Rule 5.3 The rules governing all Branch financial matters shall be detailed in the Branch rules or attached as an appendix to the Branch Constitution.

The Branch Trustees, (Branch Secretary, Branch Chair, Branch Financial Secretary), shall have the authority to authorise unforeseen expenditure in the daily running of the Branch. Any two trustees will suffice.

Amend this rule to: The rules governing all Branch financial matters shall be detailed in the Branch rules or attached as an appendix to the Branch Constitution.

The Branch Trustees, (Branch Secretary, Branch Chair, Branch Financial Secretary), shall have the authority to authorise unforeseen expenditure in the daily running of the Branch. Any two trustee’s approval will suffice. All such expenditure must, similar to all Branch expenditure, be sanctioned at the next Branch meeting.

Proposed: Kevin McCafferty

Seconded: John McLaughlin

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