Membership Subscription – Retired & Retired Associate Members
Nov 9, 2021
No. 468/21
3rd November 2021
Dear Colleague,
Membership Subscription – Retired & Retired Associate Members – from 1st January 2022
CWU Rule 11.5.2 contains the following instruction:
“The rate for retired and retired associate members shall increase on 1 January each
year by the same percentage increase as the known CPI at the time.”
The known rate for CPI is currently 3.2% therefore in accordance with the rules of the union from 1st January 2022 the membership subscription rates for Retired and Retired Associate Members will be as follows:
CWU Contribution RatesWeekly ContributionsMonthly Contributions– from 1 January 2022“I” Rate £“O” Rate £“I” Rate £“O” Rate £Retired Members1.471.276.365.49Retired Associate Membersn/an/a4.944.07
Any enquiries regarding this Letter to Branches should be addressed to the Senior Deputy General Secretary’s Department on telephone number 020 8971 7237, or email address sdgs@cwu.org.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Kearns
Senior Deputy General Secretary