ICYMI December - January
Jan 28, 2019
LTB 037/19 - BT Sunday Payments for Part-Time Employees
Branches have reported issues with the application of Sunday Attendance payments for part time employees. This issue has mainly arisen in Consumer over the last 18 months, but has also come up in other parts of the organisation. As a result the CWU have been in protracted discussions with BT to get a definitive statement of the Group policy and have now resolved the issue.
The policy is detailed here
LTB 048/19 - BT Personnel - Holiday Uplift Payments (HUP)
Following negotiations on this BT has agreed to update the existing agreement to reflect the changes in Law. The change means that voluntary overtime will be subject to the same payment calculation and calculation period that currently exists.
More info here
BT Pensions update
Members in BT, Openreach and BT Fleet who are eligible to join the new BT Hybrid scheme from 1st April can now compare how the BTRSS and BT Hybrid Scheme benefits could build up for you. Access the modeller through the HR Pensions portal at work - under 'BT Hybrid Scheme'. You'll need the letter you received in November to use this
Join the Jingle
Fiona Curtis and Conchur Moore helped to raise funds for the NI Children's hospice at Riverside Tower
The Voice
Have you read the latest edition of CWU's 'The Voice'? Find it here ?? https://www.cwu.org/…/…/2018/12/The-Voice-Winter-2018-lr.pdf
Fermanagh Trades Council Centenary programme
As part of the Fermanagh Trades Council centenary programme, local labour historian Jim Quinn has founded an archive of records documenting trade union activity in Fermanagh dating back as far as the 1820s.
End Period Poverty
Ashlee Chadwick, manpower member and union rep in Portadown organised an event in his local area last month to highlight period poverty.
#ENDGAME National Rally
Photos from the #ENDGAME National Rally on 14th Jan outside BT Centre, London. Pictured are Erin Massey - NITB Branch chair and CWU field organiser Gerry Robertson