#ENDGAME - Shock BTFS announcement jumpstarts new campaign
Nov 26, 2018
Following last weeks shock announcement that BT Facilities Services are to be outsource, the CWU is sending an unequivocal message to BT that it has to ‘Stop Playing Games’ with the livelihoods of loyal employees.
The bombshell announcement, on the heels of last week’s unconfirmed media speculation that BT intends to sell its Fleet division, was delivered to Facilities Services staff on Monday.
The Campaign will be called #ENDGAME
The objectives of #ENDGAME are as follows:
To campaign against the outsourcing of BT Facilities Services.To involve the branches and members so that they understand the objectives and become active in the campaign.
Job Security:
To oppose any compulsory redundancies and to seek an agreement on voluntary terms for job losses.
Terms and Conditions:
To protect the existing terms and conditions of employment including:At the minimum maintaining the Real Living Wage for Housekeepers and Security Officers.Safeguard contractual hours.
In the event that the employer fails to agree to the CWU’s objectives then the members will be balloted for Industrial action.
#ENDGAME Microsite
A Microsite has been set up on the CWU website where we are asking all our members from BTPFS and BT to sign a letter opposing the decision to outsource which can be sent electronically to Gavin Patterson, BT CEO and the BT Board.
A Facebook Live session will take place from 6.30pm to 7.30pm next Tuesday (November 27) at www.facebook.com/ThecommunicationsUnion at which Andy Kerr, national officer for BTFS, Sally Bridge and T&FS Executive member Tracey Fussey will be explaining the aims of the #ENDGAME campaign and answering your questions.