Capita pay up for CWU-brokered deal
Nov 7, 2023
Capita pay up after VMO2 and Tesco Mobile contract members accept CWU-brokered deal
Members across Capita’s VMO2 and Tesco Mobile contact centre operations who are covered by the CWU collective bargaining agreement have voted by more than four-to-one to accept a pay deal that delivers a £1,400 flat rate pay rise that will be paid pro-rata for those working more or less than 37.7 hours per week.
Thrashed out against the difficult backdrop of large-scale redundancies across the VMO2 contract, the settlement is fully consolidated for those earning less than £30,000 pa – fulfilling, for around 70% of the workforce, one of the CWU’s key negotiating aims that the deal should flow through to redundancy entitlements.
For those earning more than £30,000, the settlement will be paid in two lump sum instalments – the first in November’s wages and the second in the January 2024 pay cycle – with the company ultimately conceding that if any of that group leaves the company within the instalment window, that Capita will pay a pro-rata proportion of the relevant sum.