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BT Pay Review 2022 - CWU rejected offer

Mar 29, 2022

Dear Member

BT has made a pay offer which the CWU has rejected. The formal proposal is a flat-rate of £1200. (Pro-rata for part-timers) Set out below are tables providing what this means in percentage terms for a range of grades. 

Based on feedback from you, the CWU believe this offer is insulting considering the contribution you have made to the business; many of you putting your lives on the line during the pandemic and significantly contributing to BT’s profits. In 2021 you had no consolidated pay rise, at a time when inflation was running relatively high and in 2020 you accepted 1.5% due to the unpredictable economic situation during the pandemic. Rising inflation and the squeeze on household incomes means the offer of £1200 is a relative pay cut. BT need to listen to its workforce and realise you are their greatest asset; they have a clear choice whether to prioritise shareholders or workers.

The CWU negotiating team has listened to our members’ views and as a consequence we have made the case to BT that you should get a 10% pay rise; this is just a fraction of BT’s profits - they can clearly afford it. Now is the time for BT to put people before profit.

We have further negotiations in the coming days, if BT are not willing to make a decent offer, we will need to start preparations for a statutory industrial action ballot. We therefore encourage all members to ensure we have your correct details, in particular your home address. We need this to send you a ballot paper and without it you will not be able to vote.

BT need to hear your voices too - please tell them you are worth 10%, providing your feedback through your Customer Facing Unit’s ‘Workplace’. This is your pay rise; BT must be left in no doubt about your expectations.

Also, let us know your views by taking part in our poll. Please click the button below.Click Here To Take Part In Our Poll

Yours sincerely

Andy Kerr

Deputy General Secretary T&FS

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