BT Pay Consultative Ballot Result
Dec 15, 2022
209.2022 |15th December 2022
Dear Member,
BT Pay Consultative Ballot Result
We are writing to let you know the outcome of the ballot on the proposed pay agreement; the result is as follows:
· Accepting the pay offer: 81% of valid votes
· Rejecting the pay offer: 19% of valid votes
Of the ballot papers dispatched, 73% were returned.
The CWU has now confirmed acceptance of the proposed pay agreement to BT and they are now taking steps to implement this in January pay. Below is a reminder of the agreement reached:
Ø A £1500 flat-rate (pro-rata for part-timers) fully consolidated and pensionable pay increase, payable monthly from 1st January 2023. This is on top of the already £1500 consolidated and pensionable pay increase you received on 1st April 2022.
Ø As it is consolidated, it increases your hourly rate of pay which flows through to pay related payments such as overtime and bank holiday premiums.
Ø The next pay review date for 2023 only, will be 1st September 2023 to allow for a period of negotiations on long-standing discussions to resolve all current unagreed pay and grading issues.
Ø From 2024 onwards, the annual pay review will revert to 1st April.
Thanks to all who participated in the ballot.
Yours sincerely
Andy Kerr - Deputy General Secretary
Dave Ward - General Secretary