Branch election & nominations
Feb 12, 2024
The time has come to request nominations for all Branch Officer Positions for term 2024 – 2026. Please accept this email, providing the necessary two weeks’ notice period, with a closing date and time of February 26th 2024 at 17.00pm. All nominations should be sent to the branch email address of cwunitb@btinternet.com or in the case of mail to arrive by last post on February 26th to CWU Office,1st Floor, 26-34 Antrim Road, Belfast BT15 2AA
Please see below a list of all positions which are open to all members where stipulated. For additional information on these positions please refer to the Branch Constitution which is available on our website at www.cwunitb.org
(a) Branch Chair
(b) Branch Secretary
(c) Branch Treasurer/Financial Secretary *
(d) Equality Officer
(e) Branch Political Officer *
(f) Branch Youth Officer
(g) Women’s’ Officer
(h) BAME Officer
(i) Health and Safety Co-ordinator
(j) Postal Officer
(k) Area Section Secretaries (4) -(North, South, East and West)
(l) Retired Member Representative to the Branch*
4.5.1 Nominations
No member shall be elected to any office without first having been nominated in writing by two members of the Branch, one as a proposer and the other as seconder – and with the candidate’s written consent to the nomination
Such written nomination papers shall be sent to the Branch Secretary or Branch Chair which shall be shown in the notification inviting nominations. The notification shall also state clearly the closing date by which they must be received. This date will allow members 14 clear days to submit nominations.
Each nominee will be given the opportunity of submitting an election address of not more than 300 words; this must be received with the nomination form. All election addresses will be published at least 7 days prior to any election taking place.
In the event of there being more than one Nominee for a position, the Branch will arrange a Postal vote organised by CWU HQ.
Regards and Best Wishes,
Mark FeehilyBranch Secretary
Joe FeeBranch Chair
*Positions available to retired members for nomination