Another redundancy bombshell in Global - a blatant management ‘choice’
Feb 4, 2021
No fewer than 11 of the 16 roles that are being made redundant involves work that Global plans to lift and shift to its existing hubs in India and Hungary – with new direct recruitment talking place in those locations even as redundancies are being made in the UK.
Earlier outrages in Global include the decision’s move in October to place five team members at risk of compulsory redundancy (CR) as a direct result of a cost-cutting decision to offshore their work to Hungary and India.
“With Global now moving to effectively export the jobs of 11 further UK team members to the same locations it’s clear that the company has no scruples whatsoever about laying off UK workers simply because it believes it can get their work done cheaper overseas,” stresses CWU assistant secretary Allan Eldred.
“How’s that for corporate social responsibility at a time when UK Plc is witnessing an unprecedented upsurge in joblessness stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic?”Allan Eldred
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